
Showing posts from October, 2022

Lecture-cum-Demonstration Method

  Lecture-cum-Demonstration Method::      It is  one of the traditional methods used in teaching and it is also considered the "chalk and talk method" . It is a teacher-centered method as the teacher plans, demonstrates the activity, and explains the principles and concepts involved in it. Lecture-cum-demonstration includes the merits of the lecture as well as demonstration method. It attempts to filter out the disadvantages of both. Demonstration means ‘to show’. In Lecture method teacher just tells but in demonstration method teacher shows and illustrates certain fundamental phenomena. This method is also in accordance with the maxims of teaching ‘from concrete to Abstract’. The students see the actual apparatus and experiment and thereby they feel interested in learning. Points to be considered while using lecture-demonstration:  For successful demonstration following points to be always kept in mind, 1.A demonstration should be planned and rehear...

Generations of computers.

  Generations of computers . The development period of electronic computing technology is called Computer Generation. The Generations of computers are classified based on its operations, languages and devices used in it. In each generation of computer, the new advancements are evolved. The Generation of Computer Evolution is Generally Divided into 5 Categories. Lets us begin with the first generations of computers. The First Generation of Computers- (1940 -1956) ·         The main electronic components based on vacuum tubes. ·         Magnetic drum for storing the data.   ·         The machine language was used as the programming language. ·         The only input/output devices were paper tape and punched cards. ·         The size of the computer in this generation is larger like room s...


PROJECT METHOD This method was propounded by W.H Kilpatrick. This method was perfected by J.A Sternson. The base of this method lies in the philosophy of pragmatism. This method emphasizes on building a comprehensive unit around an activity which may be carried out in school or outside. The essence of this method lies in the fact that a group of students do a purposeful task. This implies the students undertake the activity in a group or individually over a period of time. It may include a number of activities and the end product is in the form of written report or a display. Definition: “A project is a whole-hearted purposeful activity proceeding in a social environment”- Dr.William Kilpatrick. “A project is a problematic act carried to completion in its natural setting”. – Stevenson. “A project is a bit of real life that has been imported into school. – Ballard. Thus, project is a purposeful activity and planned activity which is achieved in social, natural situations creat...

Lecture method

  Lecture method Lecture method can be considered as the oldest teaching method. It is based on the philosophy of idealism. It is the method of imparting information through a speech. It is the method of depicting everything in words. The speaker speaks and the listeners listen. Lecture is generally described as teacher centered teaching method involving one way communication.   . Lecture method so far been the most widely used at the secondary and college levels. It is also known as chalk and talk method. The effectiveness mainly depends upon the communication skill of the teacher. Definition “The lecture is a pedagogical method where by the teacher formally delivers a carefully planned expository address on some particular topic”    James Micheal. Steps in Lecture method     1) Preparation for the lecture:- Before commencing a lecture, the teacher must keep in mind: Who is your audience? – WHO What is the purpose of your ...