23- 24 Values of Teaching computer Science
The Values of Teaching Computer Science Introduction: In today's dynamic world, computer science has become an integral aspect of our lives, influencing everything from the objects around us to the ways we communicate, work, travel, and play. However, teaching computer science is about more than just technical proficiency. It involves instilling values that foster responsible, creative, and ethical digital citizens, preparing them for success in the modern digital landscape. 1.Practical Value Utilization of the various facts drawn from the study of computer science in modern life has revolutionized our life. Today we cannot find even a single thing which is left untouched by the hands of computer. Uses of computers in transportation and communication have shortened the world. In short, computers have become a part and parcel of our life and without them, it is impossible for us to keep ourselves alive in the modern world. Practical Value : Computers have revolutio...