
Showing posts from November, 2022

Unit III Seminar method

  SEMINAR METHOD The seminar method is the most modern and advanced method of teaching. A seminar is an advanced group technique which is usually used in higher education. It is an instructional technique it involves generating a situation for a group to have a guided interaction among themselves on a theme. It refers to a structured group discussion what usually follows a formal lecture or lectures often in the form of an essay or a paper presentation on a theme. This seminar method is employed to realize the higher objectives of cognitive & affective domains. The higher learning process requires the interactive and integrated methodologies based on the psychological principles. The seminar method applies such technique of human interaction / intervention with the learning and teaching experiences. Aim & Objectives of Seminar Method: This seminar method is utilized to realize the higher objectives of cognitive and affective domains. Cognitive obj

unit IV Instructional planning

  Unit -IV Instructional planning UNIT PLAN Meaning of unit                A unit is a large block subject matter, which includes a series of meaningful activities designed to achieve the purpose of education i.e., to provide the appropriate learning experiences and bring about significant behavioral changes in the student.According to the present concept, a unit also includes the procedure of    presentation of the subject matter that means the unit is not only a block of content but also a method in itself. Therefore a ‘unit’ can be described as : ·        An integrated whole ·        A threshold, which includes a systematic arrangement of teaching methods, materials and learning experiences ·        That brings about the   desired behavioral changes in the learner. Definitions of unit According to Preston, “A unit is as large a block of related subject matter as can be over-viewed by the learner”. According to Wisely, “The unit is an organized body of informa